World India Express works with reputed brokers and shipping agents at the origin & destination points of your package. We have authorized agents for major shipping liners including Economy Express & International Express.
Yes, World India Express can provide packing service at certain location, please contact our customer support team to learn if packing service is available at your location.
World India Express allow cash transactions also So Payment can be done through Cash/NEFT/RTGS, IMPS, Debit / Credit Card, Google Pay, Phone Pay, Paytm or any other mode Debit / Credit Card attract a transaction fee of Rs 50 or 3% of transection value which is to be borne by the customer.
For India, customs duties are levied around 35% of the value ascertained by Indian Customs Office. Custom duties are calculated at local port. Customs will ascertain value of product as available in India. We can submit an invoice, if you have, to help customs officers ascertain value, but final decision on evaluation is determined by India Customs officer. We cannot provide any estimates for custom duties, please check with your local customs office for additional information.
Once your shipment reaches India customs officer will ascertain customs duties and notify its destination agent. The destination agent will then contact the recipient to collect the payment for duties payable via bank deposit. Once payment is cleared the shipment will then be released for delivery at your home/office. [/accordion] [accordion title=”What is minimum requirement to ship with Air?”] There is no minimum requirement; customers can ship as low as 1 Kg to 1000Kg.
All shipment are charged at chargeable weight, chargeable weight is higher of actual weight and dimensional weight. For example if actual weight of your package is 5 Kg and dimensional weight is 10 Kg, chargeable weight of shipment will be 10 Kg.